The Sounds and Sights of Yuri's Night 07 Keynote Speaker: Anousheh Ansari, pioneering space traveler and first privately-funded woman in space.
PLAID - Live A/V with Bob Jaroc (Warp Records, UK) TELEFON TEL AVIV - Live (Hefty Records) BLUETECH - Live (Aleph Zero, Native State) SUTEKH - Live (Context, Soul Jazz, Leaf) OOAH + BORETA - Live (Glitch Mob, LA/SF) MR. PROJECTILE (Merck) & JONAH SHARP (aka SPACETIME CONTINUUM) - Live (Reflective, Astralwerks) RD (Designed Disorder - LA) WELDER - Live (Cyberset) MOZAIC (Nexus) DR. TOAST - Live (False Profit) and... the SPACE COWBOYS in their interstellar transport, the UNIMOG
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