Yuris Night . San Francisco Bay Area . 13 April 2007
Yuris Night . San Francisco Bay Area . 13 April 2007

Is Hosted by Keynote Speaker
The first privately-funded female space explorer!

Yuris Night . San Francisco Bay Area . 13 April 2007 Yuris Night . San Francisco Bay Area . 13 April 2007

A Message from Our Hosts at NASA Ames...

We think space exploration is the future, and the future is space exploration. We started that journey when Yuri Gagarin became the first human to orbit the Earth in April 1961, and took another big step when the Space Shuttle launched for the first time in April 1981. Yuri's Night is a celebration of these events.

You are welcome to come to the NASA Ames Research Center, to celebrate with everybody who attends, to hear about the latest scientific discoveries and learn what it's like to be an astronaut, to find out what the next steps are in the exploration of space, and to learn about the cool technologies that'll get us there, but please respect the huge effort and trust that has gone into allowing the event to happen by acting respectfully and responsibly. This is not an underground party.

NASA Ames Research Center is a federal facility: controlled drugs and weapons are prohibited. The consequences of getting caught with a prohibited item will be much nastier than what you would experience in your own communities. As at many events held throughout the U.S., we will be searching to ensure prohibited drugs and weapons do not enter the Center.

We look forward to celebrating Yuri's Night with you!

©2007 Yuri's Night Bay Area ~ Brought to you by Nexus and Symbiosis Events ~ Web by Zariat . 8Petal Creative Media ~ 3D and Animations by 4c design studios
References to NASA Ames shall not be construed as official NASA approval or endorsement of any non-Governmental or commercial entity or activity.
*Pending Finalized Legal Approval